Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Today we went to Syracuse, where the Mac store replaced my broken iphone! yay, can you believe it? Because I still can't. I thought they were going to say, sorry it's your fault it's broken and send us on our way...but they didn't, and I have a new phone! yay! While we were there at the mall, T and Sam rode around on the merry-go-round.

We got a new crib sheet for sister at Pottery Barn Kids, and while we were there, I couldn't resist putting this cute little costume on T. (we didn't buy it, we already have a great Halloween costume thanks to my mom, but I couldn't help myself, I knew he'd look so cute!)

AND we went out to dinner at this great little BBQ place. While we were waiting for our table, this guy asked if we had a camera and wanted to take a picture of T sitting on his Harley. Ha. What a nice guy huh? Course we took him up on his offer.

I'm so glad that Sam gets out of school early on Tuesdays and had the idea to go up today. We had a great time.