Friday, September 10, 2010


Today we went raspberry picking. It was so fun, even though T apparently thought we were supposed to eat them as we picked them :) I think about half the raspberries we picked ended up in the bucket and half ended up in T's belly...

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Yummmm...Sam's making raspberry jam right now :) The kitchen smells so good!

PS. the big boy bed went so well last night! T slept all night long and even though he woke up a little earlier then usual, he didn't get up at all in the middle of the night. He was so proud of himself when he came out of his room this morning, it really was so cute :)
Tonight, I put him to sleep and he came out. Right when he came out, I put him back in bed told him it was time to go to bed and goodnight... He came out again, and I put him right back and said the same thing and he stayed! It only took 2 times and he went right to bed! I couldn't believe it. I'm so proud of my little (big!) dude :)


  1. Oh my gosh how awesome is that!!! Tale sleeps in the big bed but we have to lay with him until he falls asleep. That is so nice T will just go to bed himself. I love the bed it is so cute! I can't believe Sam knows how to make jam!

  2. Those raspberries look so good! It was so fun getting blueberries with you last year. I'm so glad that Tucker has been successful with a big boy bed. I think I've decided to just buy a second crib for Ellie. I mean, we just turned Taylor's car seat around, so we're a little slow at hitting those milestones, right? And Taylor has the same skeleton gap pjs in pink...too bad we can't get a pictures of those two next to each other!

  3. i did the same thing with my mom when i was little...she'd pick the berries and i would eat them. fun! and raspberry jam is the BEST.

    good luck with the sharing of the room. i think i'd miss my little newborn at my side. the nursery is super cute too.

  4. What great fun and I don't blame T for eating them. They look yummy. Hey, Sammy, make some peach raspberry jam, too! Yum!

  5. Jewels..Are raspberry pickings the same as blueberry pickings...I have not done either one
    Is this the same farm that we picked pumpkins?
