Sunday, July 18, 2010


We saw this little bike for a steal of a deal, and since T loves bikes, we couldn't resist getting it for him. Here he is today, riding his cool new bike. Doesn't he look so grown up??
(he loves it!)

We figured we can just put it in our suitcase to go back to NY next month... :)


  1. oh my he is darling!!! can he without training wheels?!

  2. SO, Roo..the bike is called a Strider- no pedal bike. It's a prebike for toddlers, and they basically walk or run on the ground while steering. (It's easier then Training Wheel bikes) I guess it's supposed to teach them how to balance though. I don't know it's kind of a new concept, but he loves riding it :) and he looks really cute on it too. Can't wait for Lucy to try it out!

  3. So cute, he really looks big and that's amazing about the letters! What a smarty pants!

  4. put the bike in the car back to SLC problem

  5. Cool bike!
    I can't believe he knows his letters!!! So smart! I love that he's holding his blankie in the video.
    So very cute!

  6. What a fun bike! I've seen those around and wondered how well they worked so I'm glad to hear he likes it. He looks so cute in that bike helmet! :)

  7. He looks too big on that thing! So cute!

  8. when do you move back to NY? Julie, I SOOO wish you lived in LA... it would really make these 4 yrs here fly by
