"Maizie girl don't be sad. Mom I got a picture of her crying."
"Mom, Maizie girl is wake-ins! (woke up) It's okay Maizie girl. I'll take a picture of you! That was a cute one!" (ha ha :) poor girl)
Our neighbor that lives across the hall.. ha ha! We saw her outside today and T goes, "(her name) can I take a picture of you? Smile! (takes a picture) oh. One more. Last one I promise. (takes another one) That was a cute one!" ha ha ha. I guess that's what I sound like when I'm taking pictures. This is the 2nd one he took of her. The first one was of the sky. ha.
At the park...
ha ha ha my favorite. We love Lucy.
I'm forsure going to give T this camera more often to carry around. I love these pictures. I had a great time looking at them tonight & seeing what he decided to take pictures of. Ha. So funny.
T has a good eye for pictures! He is so smart :-) I love his view of the world. xoxo