Monday, June 27, 2011


so busy!
Since we've moved, I've been too busy to get on the computer. I think it's because I have a bigger house to keep clean, so when the kids are napping I don't have free time to go play on the computer like I used to. It's been a big adjustment moving from our tiny apartment to a nice spacious home. It's a lot more work, and harder to keep track of the kids, but I'm loving it. We're still trying to get used to things like garbage day. ha. I'm so used to hauling our garbage down the the dump whenever I want to. I love having a disposal, but I still find myself throwing our leftover food in the trash, just out of habit. One thing I never forget about is our laundry room! I love having a washer/dryer so much! I still get excited to throw a load of laundry in whenever I want to, and not have to round up enough quarters and run downstairs, outside, around the building just to do a load. It's great! And I love our king size bed. After sleeping in a queen for 2 years, we don't even know what to do with all the space of a king. T has been climbing in bed with us in the middle of the night since we moved here, and we usually don't even notice him there until the morning! ha ha! We use our pool everyday. I still feel like we're on vacation every time we hang out by or in the pool. It's so nice. We're trying to get used to Sam being gone a lot more. We didn't realize how good we had it during school, and I find myself looking forward to the weekends a lot more now then I did while he was in school. It was so nice to have him all day Saturday & Sunday. I've pretty much mastered using just one hand for everything, as I'm generally holding little sis all day long. ha ha. Seriously this girl does not like to be put down. I know what you're thinking....just don't hold her all day, and she'll get used to not being held, but you don't understand the scream this girl produces when she's not happy. It's amazing that such a little girl can produce screams like she does. Really. She's a total drama queen.But when she's being held or mommy's real close, she's the happiest baby around. She's eating everything now which is fun and easier for me. I just cut things in small pieces and she likes everything she's tried so far.

Here are some pictures of the last week.

A few days ago, I gave T a cracker and Ollie was bugging him, trying to get it, so T ran to his stool and held his hand up high and said, "not for you doggies!" ha ha ha. Smart kid.

Nap time for T has been a struggle lately, but he still needs a nap or he gets super fussy around 3pm. He knows if he comes out of his room the first time I put him in there, that I'll lock the door the 2nd time so he never comes out, but I always go check on him after he's been quiet for a few minutes, and when I do, he's usually asleep, but I've found him in some pretty interesting spots around his room....rarely in his bed. Sometimes half on his bed. ha ha.

The grocery store by our house has a mechanical horse for kids that costs a penny! ONE CENT! T gets to ride every time we go to the store, usually multiple times if I have the pennies. I hold on to all my pennies now. ha ha.

anyway, little sis is waking up. Gotta go :) Sorry it's taken me so long to update.


  1. We had a penny horse just like that at the grocery store we went to when I was a kid. I can't believe there are still some around. How fun!

  2. I have been waiting for an update forever. I found T on the floor by the door one day and it broke my heart but I know he needs his nap.
    I love all the pictures...keep them coming
    Love you

  3. Haha - such a cute post!! It does sound like you have been really busy!! You are amazing that you can keep up with two kids and a house :-) xoxo

  4. Fun update! I totally know what you mean about doing laundry now! It's thrilling to have a washer and dryer in our home again. And I do the same thing with leftover bits of food even though we have a garbage disposal now. The things we went without for two years. Love the penny horse at the grocery store. Glad things are going so well for your family!

  5. yea an update, i bet you are so busy keeping up with that house, it is huge! i miss you guys tale still calls every baby maizie and still ask for her. i love that wagon at costco, i wish all carts were that way so I could fit both kids in there like that. ahhh i can't believe i'll have to figure out how to fit 3 soon. ha!

  6. i totally hear you on having to do things one handed. it's so much easier to just hold them than listen to them whine. she'll grow out of it eventually ...

  7. Hooray for a post!!! So many fun things!!

  8. Love the updates Julie!
    It sounds like you guys are having a great summer.
    I love Tucker's hair.

  9. So fun to see an update from Ohio! Sounds like you are settling right into your new home!

  10. I love every one of these pictures. Baby M is so gorgeous and is getting so big. I love T's white-blond buzz--he is the cutest boy around. I remember when we discovered the horse at the store--great fun for a little boy! I LOVE THESE CHILDREN.

  11. Ohhhhh, I miss those dogs!!!!
