Thursday, June 23, 2011


Winsty & Ollie got showers today. T loved it & did most all the work :) I sat back, held Maizie and took pictures.

(I couldn't find our dog shampoo, not sure it made the move, or if we even had any. So we used johnson & johnson's baby shampoo, and I'm totally loving the way they smell now. Me, T & Ollie snuggled on the couch and watched the disney channel during little sis's nap. It was nice :) )

PS how do you like T's new buzz?? ha ha. Poor kid got some crazy hair and it just goes crazy when it's long so he kinda needs to keep it short. I love it though. He likes it too. He keeps saying, "I have hair like dad. I'm a boy like dad. Maizie girl and mom are girls. Only girls have long hair! And only girls paint their toe nails....." etc. ha. ha. funny kid.


  1. i'm glad im not the only one who blogs about dogs :). 3M has the best dog shampoo...smells so great.

    i love tuckers hair. sam is fooling him good making t think he has hair. haha. andy's about ready to shave his hair to the scalp.

  2. Looks like the dogs and their little hairdresser loved the grooming session. That little boy looks great with or without hair-he is beautiful.

  3. So cute :-) Gosh I miss you all so much!!!! I love T's new hair style. xoxo

  4. looks like T is having such a great the buzz (just like his Dad)

  5. Looks like you guys are having a blast. Madeline was next to me when I was checking out your blog and she kept yelling "There's Tucker, where did Tucker go??" Super cute. We miss you guys and hopefully some time in the near future we will come visit and swim in the pool :)

  6. Dear Jules & Sam,

    I love looking at all the pictures you post on your blog. I can't believe how big Tucker and Maizie are getting! I miss you all so much. Julie you are amazing with everything you do. The area you are in looks really nice. I would love to come and visit you sometime.

    Lots of Love - Grandma Kay
