Monday, June 13, 2011


Happy birthday to my mom!! I'm so happy that she's still here visiting us during her birthday! We had such a fun day celebrating with her.

We started out with going to the zoo. I'm so excited about the zoo here, (and so glad we got a family membership!) we had a great time. I'm thinking we'll be spending a lot of our days at the zoo.

After the zoo, we came home for naps and when the kids woke up we went swimming.

Course we finished the day off with some cake & ice cream.

Happy Birthday Baba! We love you & we're so lucky we got to have you on your birthday!!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA :-) Love you all! I love the zoo! The cake looks yummy ..

  2. Jules you look amazing!!! Please share the secret w/ this mommy who is struggling losing the baby weight!! Miss you guys

  3. How fun! Your new place looks like a blast! I agree with the previous post! You look amazing! What's the secret?

  4. What a perfect birthday! Ohio looks so fun! I agree Julie you look great!

  5. Holy skinny mini! Tell me all your secrets. I can't believe you have a pool! I need to plan a trip to come see you while it's still warm. That's fun you have your mom there! Happy birthday to her!

  6. Oh my gosh ha ha you guys are all way too nice. The secret is having two kids, one that wants to be held all day and the other that's incredibly quick and likes to run everywhere. You don't sit down much and don't have time to go for 2nds at meals. Ha.

  7. That was the best birthday ever. Thank you for all your thoughtfulness

  8. Happy Birthday, Sharon! Wish I could have been there with you.
