Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Look what we got mom! I saw it in the store and it brought back so many memories, I had to get it! (we used to poor our milk into our cereal with this same cow growing up, we loved it..ha ha ha)

T was way too cute not to record.


  1. He is so cute, he looks like a mini Julie in that second picture. Walker loved that video, he was singing with Tucker. I can't believe how well Tucker is talking.

  2. I remember the cow!!! That does bring make memories :-) Love the video of T singing!!

  3. We totally had that cow in my house! i loved it. Once my mom put ranch dressing in it and my dad got mad because it looked like the cow was vomiting. haha we stuck to syrup after that.

  4. julie! i totally saw this cow today at williams-sonoma. is that where you got it? i got really excited (not exactly sure why .. ) i wasn't even looking for it ... i was looking at their recipe books. it's really cute. seems like something my mom would have had when i was little.

  5. I have seen a recent spotting of the cow at Orson-

  6. Thank you so much for the long video...I have watched it over and over again

  7. We use one of those for our milk as well. Just makes breakfast a little more special I think!
