Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Tonight I was getting ready to give T a bath, I realized I had to change sis's diaper and after I changed her, I came out of her room to see T sitting on the potty! He sat down all on his own and went potty! I was so surprised & excited & PROUD!!! I grabbed my camera and got a picture of him pouring his into the big toilet.

He was so thrilled with the reaction he got from us for going in his potty that he sat down and said, "again! again!" ha. Guess he's closer to potty training then I thought! Way to go little dude! I'm so proud of you!


  1. YAY T :-) That is so awesome!! Congrats .. Love U

  2. Way to go, Tucker! I wish Taylor shared your enthusiasm.

  3. yay!!! i bet he picks it up really fast now that he is ready! it took nate only 5 days and he wasnt even 2 when he potty trained!!! good luck!!!!!
