Monday, August 29, 2011


Oh man there are so many things that I want to post about but first of all....

A couple of weeks ago, our dog Oliver hopped our fence and never came back. Remember how he always used to hop our fence but always came back?? I couldn't blog about it because we were scared to tell Sam's parents because of how close they are with our dogs. Ollie & Winston lived with them for the 2 years that we lived in Ithaca and so they're practically their other owners. Anyway, I was talking to my mother in law on Friday and she asked about the dogs so I felt like I had to tell her about Ollie. They took the news pretty hard and I really regretted telling them. Well now I'm glad I did because yesterday morning, they called and said they found a dog online at the Bowling Green dog shelter that sure looked a lot like him! We were excited and skeptical all at the same time and got on the computer. He looked sad and like he'd been through a lot but sure enough, we knew it was him! They had renamed him "Spikey" (I guess done randomly in the computer..ha ha) This was the picture of him online..isn't it so sad?? :(

The shelter is closed on Sundays,(I couldn't sleep at all last night, I was too excited!) so we went down first thing this morning. We were so excited and he was so excited to see us! We have had such a fun morning at our house. The workers said they'd never seen him that happy. He was picked up just running around in Perrysburg, about a 20 minute drive from our house without his collar. So we think that someone must've gotten sick of him running around their yard, took off his collar, drove him down to Perrysburg and let him out there. Someone called the animal shelter and they came to pick him up. Here's the crazy part...he was adopted from the shelter by a family a few days after that! The family that adopted him took him home, gave him a bath and let him out in their back yard but he kept hopping their fence so they brought him back to the shelter! AHHHHH! Good thing they did or else we wouldn't have found him!
I wish he could talk and tell us about his adventures the last 2 weeks. It was exactly 2 weeks ago today that he disappeared. We missed him so much. We are so happy he's back home. The invisible fence is coming to instal a fence in our yard on Thursday. He seems really happy to be home, and he's getting really spoiled. Here he is relaxing on his new bed after a nice warm bath with his shiny new red collar on.

Winston's happy that his buddy is back.

Welcome Home Ollie! We missed you so much!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH to Sam's family!! You guys found him! We wouldn't have found him without you guys!


  1. Poor Ollie! I am glad he is back home.

  2. are a miracle worker...We have been upset with the news as well and are so happy that Oli is home

  3. julie! oh my gosh... that story makes me want to cry. i made andy read it and he just kept saying, "no way.... no way!". i'm happy he's home!!

    you need to microchip him!!! seriously, i will pay for it. it's like $30. totally worth it.

  4. I am so angry about the jerks that took off his collar that I'm struggling to focus on the good news that you found him. I guess alls well that ends well - but seriously - whoever was mean enough to do that to poor Ollie has some bad Karma coming to them.

  5. That little sneak! Breaks my heart, but oh so glad he made it safely home!

  6. What a fun the pictures of the posters and those two lovely dogs....they are soooo cute! I hope Winston is happy that Oliver is back. This is a miracle. I hope M and T are happy to have them back. Love you!

  7. YAY!! Congrats on Ollie coming home :-) Robyn you are so awesome to find him!! Love you all xoxo

  8. Oh my gosh! jeremy just told me about this last night. So crazy but I am glad the fam is back together again.
