Wednesday, January 25, 2012


We've had such a fun week of visitors!
First Dad came on Thursday. It was so fun to see him!! The kids couldn't stop smiling and neither could I. His brother Zane flew in on Friday and he's here visiting until tomorrow. The kids are having so much fun with Uncle Zane, it's nice to have someone here to play with them all day. We also met up with our good friends that we met while living in Vegas, the Kelvingtons. We hadn't see them in nearly a year, it was so fun to see them and see their cute girls. Unfortunately it rained the past several days, but we went to a movie, went to the aquarium, and I even talked the guys into getting pedicures with me. hahaha. They loved it. Anyway, here are lots of pictures.

We wish Sam could've stayed longer, but we sure had a great time with him while he was here. It was sad to say goodbye again yesterday. I am seriously the worst wife ever for ditching him so long to play in California, but I couldn't turn it down. We're having so much fun! Thanks for letting us invite ourselves to come along mom & dad :)


  1. looks like fun. and makes me miss san diego!

  2. so fun julie! i love all your pictures. thanks for hanging out with us. we miss you guys!

    i'm sure you really had to "talk" the guys into getting a pedicure. i bet they loved it. and i love that they are both sporting cornell-wear. haha.
